The oracle of oppression


The Oracle of Oppression is an installation performance of artefacts. Through the mechanically repetitive act of using and transforming artefacts, these objects interact and respond to each other. This endless performance explores the intrinsic connection between artefacts and humans.

From Deleuze's theory to Foucault, we have always sought to make visible the invisible forces in social systems as we move forward in a system that appears to have order. By giving the audience a third-person view of the spectator, this performance enacts the invisible forces that are often present in everyday life. Bringing to light the invisible mechanisms that control and influence individuals. 

The repetitive, mechanical movement of the three-part installation forms an ordered system that serves as a metaphor and reveals the complexity of social systems. The performance does not seek definitive views or answers about social systems, but rather provides a space for contemplation and discussion. It encouraging the audience to reflect on the multiple roles these systems play in shaping our experiences. It also questions whether these systems are inherently oppressive or fundamentally necessary for social harmony and pr